
9 posts

La petizione su per Via Aurelia Antica (e i suoi marciapiedi)

Giovedì della scorsa settimana, grazie alla gentilezza di Elisa Finocchiaro che ho invitato a parlare alla mia lezione di Citizen Media, abbiamo assistito insieme agli studenti del Master in Comunicazione all’interessante presentazione della piattaforma Abbiamo conosciuto un potente strumento per le petizioni online che consente di rivolgere richieste agli enti pubblici o privati, raccogliere firme, convogliare informazione ed interesse su specifiche tematiche, per poter prendere posizione e cercare di ottenere un risultato concreto. L’obiettivo di, come ci ha spiegato Elisa, è l’”empowerment” della persona, cittadino, consumatore o utente, ovvero la possibilità di incidere negli aspetti pubblici e vitali […]

Brand new mobile

My brand new mobile phone: it is a Sony Ericsson K750i. 🙂 It has a 2 megapixel fotocamera. It will show on my flickr pages soon! I like to do photos! I buy expecially this for the perfect audio. It is important for me, and just the reason I didn’t choose another Nokia like my previous one (6630)

Nokia 6630

Happy as a child, I exit from the store with my new Nokia 6630. They have taken my old 8310 for 30 euro too, total: 319 euro. First impressions using it: -The operating system is quite fast (SymbianOS v.8.0). -The ringtones are excellent and someone beautiful. They are much pleasant to feel and play well. It’s UMTS and you see it: to approach the web and – above all – to receive and send e-mails is part of logic of the handheld. Within pack there is USB cable (and the CD with PCSuite) and stereo earpiece. It’s interesting the 1.3 […]

Mozilla international languages

In order to enlarge the number of users of the Mozilla, Firefox e Thunderbird applications, and for those who are not so confident with english language, i suggest the site, where it’s available the italian language for the programs. Installation is very simple! Note that Mozilla suite and other programs are all available in localized languages. Now you haven’t no more excuses!


While also Ubik speaks about these new features, Google GMail has now the POP support. Google is enabling it a various times, not all at the same time, so the competitors might not be so afraid… According to me, usability of the Web versione remains unbeatable, but also the availibility of a local copy of own e-mails can be a serious treat.

Movable Deals

Mena Trott of Six Apart recently has announced the acquisition of francais partner Ublog (the one company of Loic le Meur). “Loic and his team have been acting as our exclusive agent in Europe for the past six or so months bringing the TypePad service and Movable Type to the European market. Today they announced the formation of Six Apart EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) a subsidiary formed through the acquisition of Ublog.” (excerpt from the post on Mena’s blog) Something moves in Europe.

Almost comment

Because of the continuous incursions of spammers and their painful comments with relative URL of medicinal and casinos that I don’t truly accept anymore, I’m near to decide to use the commenting feature of Movable Type 3 (installed yesterday ) that only who is registered can comment. From the manual: When registered comments are allowed on your site, you have the option to approve each new commenter when she or he posts a first comment. Until you’ve approved a commenter, his or her comments will not be displayed on the weblog, but after approval, that user’s comments will appear as […]


Dana Blankenhorn writes on Moore’s Lore: Nokia Funds Open Source Cell Browser Nokia has put an unknown amount of cash into Mozilla, with the intent of creating an open source cell phone browser. You may remember how earlier this week I wrote about how cell phones will be the most popular way to access the Internet in a few years, and about how XHTML MP development today is centered on Openwave? Here’s an alternative, plus an endorsement of open source browser technology from a major cellular phone vendor. This is a good new: exspecially with Motorola that’s embracing the Smart […]

Reasonable Type

Movable Type has changed its price’s politic and added several license types. This is very interesting (thanks to Loic Le Meur): And this is more: Well done Six Apart!