Luciano Giustini ragionamenti a lettere..

Ammirevoli iniziative

Dal MIT Media Lab arriva il laptop a 100 dollari destinato alle nazioni in via di sviluppo. Si basa su Linux, e non è in vendita, ovviamente.
Curiose e degne di nota alcune risposte di Negroponte sul progetto:

How is it possible to get the cost so low?

* First, by dramatically lowering the cost of the display. The first-generation machine may use a novel, dual-mode LCD display commonly found in inexpensive DVD players, but that can also be used in black and white, in bright sunlight, and at four times the normal resolution—all at a cost of approximately $35.

* Second, we will get the fat out of the systems. Today’s laptops have become obese. Two-thirds of their software is used to manage the other third, which mostly does the same functions nine different ways.

* Third, we will market the laptops in very large numbers (millions), directly to ministries of education, which can distribute them like textbooks.