The choice of advancing professional studies - Luciano Giustini (en)

The choice of advancing professional studies

Posted on December 9, 2014 7:06 PM in ,

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(the post has been updated from first publication)


In these days I've finally decided on the type of training and professional update that I will take. By now it was necessary, and couldn't be postponed anymore.
I had many choices in front of me: I was chosing even a new faculty, and I was really interested on Psychology or Educational Sciences. But in the progress to come to a final decision, I went for elimination..

- Psychology at my age is a bit late, I could make a three-year degree (bachelor), but it doesn't create many job opportunities and above all, to do this work seriously serves a full degree and many years of expertise or specialization.

- Same goes for Educational Sciences: it's true, the teaching has become my passion and both a profession, but the only degree that's valid had to be taken before, plus, it's still oriented on the support teacher professional figure. That perhaps is not exactly the most suitable for me, I don't know.

I opted for an international Master of professional specialization, in "Education Leardership, Management and Emerging Technologies" at an online University that's very good. So, you will see me extremely busy for several months from now. This choice goes in two directions to get me advancing in studies, updating my knowledge on arguments of computer science and education, technology and more, and will facilitate my inclusion in teaching in the public service. That sounds good and completes my professional formation in the direction of academic fulfillment.

Looking at 2015

I was quite surprised to receive a series of confirmations that I didn't expect to be all concentrated in the same time. That's a challenge I've to understand better to set a coherent outlook to the new year's organization. In part, that's because in 2014 I have sown much, and as seems, several plans come finally to fruition.
Among them, an advanced course on the PHP language and a series of courses in the MIUR ambit (italian Ministry of Research and University) for public figures, where I'll teach some of the topics in Communication and new media taught in Atheneum's Master, and it will also include elements of cyberbullying, as well as the target of some lessons will be for teens and pre-teens.


What was looking like a good choice i the first time, didn't result in this one. So I decided to stop the progress in the above mentioned master and started postgraduating in Information and communication science whereas I could find a perfect syntonization with my passions and needs. 


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Hello Luciano,
Glad to read your news here! That's great choice, I wish you all the best for your commitment to study and training.


PS. I've used an old registration to Typepad to comment here, as the MT login doesn't work.

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I teach in higher courses about Communication and digital media. I've been coorganizer for TEDxViadellaConciliazione, plus founder of BETA magazine et al.

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This page contains a single entry by Luciano published on December 9, 2014 7:06 PM.

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