Luciano Giustini (en): December 2004 Archives

December 2004 Archives

Gained tremendous momentum...

Posted on December 22, 2004 1:57 PM in

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Blogging has gained tremendous momentum on the Internet, enabling millions to share their lives and thoughts with others. Blogging is all about communication - people are interested in other people's lives and want to share their own experiences and thoughts at the same time. A multimedia diary is a great starting point for sharing the experiences that make up your life.

From the presentation of the new Nokia Lifeblog 1.5 just downloadable also for the 6630 (coincidence)!

Joi's '1k friends' Orkut

Posted on December 20, 2004 12:04 AM in

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According to Orkut, Joi Ito can have only 1000 friends.

Ok, 64K it's enough for everybody..and so on. But, it's a though on real life compared to "online" life, is a limit of Orkut or is a limit of Social networks instead?

I think the last chance. It's a limit of social network implelementation and theory. Real life can't be simulated in all its various depects and aspects.

Nokia 6630

Posted on December 3, 2004 1:39 PM in

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Happy as a child, I exit from the store with my new Nokia 6630. They have taken my old 8310 for 30 euro too, total: 319 euro.

First impressions using it:
-The operating system is quite fast (SymbianOS v.8.0).
-The ringtones are excellent and someone beautiful. They are much pleasant to feel and play well.

It's UMTS and you see it: to approach the web and - above all - to receive and send e-mails is part of logic of the handheld.

Within pack there is USB cable (and the CD with PCSuite) and stereo earpiece. It's interesting the 1.3 megapixel fotocamera and the fact that reads Mp3..connected with the PC promises wonders.

As good geek, I have read the handbook of instructions before using it, as usual in the Nokia style it's very well made and without errors.

I must say that Symbian OS is complete, there are some comfortable functions that in the other systems operated sometimes lack: i.e. to copy and past between applications.

I have configured email accounts, and all works clearly. In Italy the preset account it's of TIM iBox (than I had already activated on Internet), and you can add up to 6 accounts: I have added obviously personal mine account, shaping it IMAP4. Some trouble (but fortunately resolved) in order to find correct address smtp to send email: for TIM it is

I tested the camera too. I must say that first time you see results you are not so happy, expecially those photos in night scapes. In light, is much better. But i'm comparing it to my Nikon 3100 that is as 3 megapixel, so it's not correct. As a mobile fotocamera, it's very good. In any case I must still try Flickr, adding my blog and email to which send the photos.

I have installed PC Suite and I must say that it has been a disillusion (it's the first time I see it): from Nokia I expected something more, something nearest the Palm Dekstop. I expected for example, of being able to manage calendar from PC.
Nothing to do. The things that can be made with the PC Suite are not so much, but however important: complete backup of the phone, viewing of the system, management of media files. There's possibility to explore through Explorer the telephone and the memory card, and to editing or adding cards to the Address Book. To mention that exists a tool of synchronization, but works only with Outlook and Lotus. You see, it's quite useless...:-)

I've used intensively for a couple of days. Mine compilation of Mp3 goes on telephone but only 10-12 files, a pair of hours. Its small RS-MMC of 64 MB. There are card RS-MMC from more MB (I read that they are in order to arrive to 1 or 2 GB), after some weeks I'll probably buy some from 256 or 512..

Now we come to the problems: in theory all good well, no resets neither trying intensively Bluetooth.
But a bug has been taken place random: in a pair of calls, the voice has had a "echo effect" for some seconds, in practical making unhearable the voice of the speaker. I do not know from what depends. I want to hope that it depends on the software or the particular reception, and that quickly Nokia will make available a patch or a software update (by the way: where it can be downloaded?)

However an object much performant, and really good the new operating system. The keyboard has been better than I feared.

A competitor, in my opinion, of the 6630 maybe the Sony Ericsson S700 but first of all an other Nokia, the 6670, than in the coloration silver is truly beautiful (must see it): but it costs more (in Italy 6630 is in 349 euro), it is not UMTS and the operating system is a bit slower, but has its price.

I teach in higher courses about Communication and digital media. I've been coorganizer for TEDxViadellaConciliazione, plus founder of BETA magazine et al.

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