Luciano Giustini (en): Automotive Archives

Recently in Automotive Category

The Chris Bangle "Addio" to BMW

Posted on February 3, 2009 11:40 PM in

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With a sad press releases, the most iconic and talentful designer ever seen in BMW and other automotive brands, has resigned as Chief Designer of the BMW Group, Mini, and BMW Motorrad. Chris will work for other projects, maybe ever not related to direct car design: Chris is quitting "to pursue his own design-related endeavors beyond the auto industry" said the carmaker. But, who knows..

News about it in Automotive News.

Other news on Jalopnik Industry News

Besides, I've created a Automotive Design & Chris Bangle fan group on Facebook, today with more than 150 subscribers: you're welcome to subscribe, read or contribute!

Italy plans SUV tax and incentives to scrap old cars

Posted on October 22, 2004 3:23 PM in

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The Italian government is planning to introduce a new tax on big polluting cars such as sports utility vehicles (SUVs), a move which could benefit Turin-based Fiat but incur the wrath of other European countries.

Environment Minister Matteoli said taxes on the gas-guzzlers could be used to fund incentives for people to scrap old cars and buy more environmentally friendly ones.

Italian streets have traditionally swarmed with small runarounds, often Fiats, but in the last year SUVs such as the Porsche Cayenne and BMW X5 have taken off in popularity, often jamming narrow city roads.

"Taxing SUVs would not only be a tax on pollution but also on causing traffic jams," Environment Minister Altero Matteoli said in an interview with Friday's Corriere della Sera paper.

Petrol-hungry SUVs are pretty much the norm in the United States but have raised ire around Europe where environmentalists decry their emission levels and mayors moan that they are a hazard to pedestrians, cyclists and smaller cars.

Earlier this year, France proposed raising taxes on them but put the plan on hold when Germany argued the move protected French companies that make smaller cars, as does Fiat.

Matteoli said Italy's Environment Ministry was working on a way of calculating road taxes depending on a car's pollution level -- the size of its engine, its registration year and the sort of fuel it uses.

That would again benefit Fiat, whose fuel-efficient Multijet diesel engine is one of Italy's best sellers.

Matteoli said he could reintroduce incentives for people to scrap old cars which spew out more pollution than new ones.

"It isn't fair to put a higher road tax on older cars that often belong to poorer people. (So we could) provide incentives for people wanting to change those cars, possibly using the money we get from taxing polluting cars," he said.

True Spot

Posted on September 15, 2004 2:02 PM

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(please note that in Italy many people have this car and-really-they use to bring sons at school!)

Sunday images

Posted on July 25, 2004 3:26 PM in

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Nice uh? Should be the future Alfa Romeo Spider. Hope so..

For the italian novel "Idiot Street Signs or useless or invented", which we're full, here it's another shoot:

In Montereale Valcellina (PD). Obviously our stradal law doesn't have any sign of this type: it's a "no parking" sign but for "pedestrian" also, illegal.

In the meanwhile, here in Rome it's raining since morning. Strange, for a 25th of July.

I teach in higher courses about Communication and digital media. I've been coorganizer for TEDxViadellaConciliazione, plus founder of BETA magazine et al.

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